MAKE BI 2018 Post Conf Day Modeling & Visualization

Im Nachgang zum diesjährigen MICROSOFT POWER BI ARBEITSKREIS organisiert IT-Logix den exklusiven Post Conference Day mit Siva Harinath, Principal Program Manager vom Microsoft Business Applications Platform Innovation (BAPI) Team.

Data Modeling and Data Visualization using Power BI

Data Modeling - Morning

  • Basic Data Modeling & Power BI internals
  • DAX calculated columns & measures
  • Calculate and evalution contexts

Data Visualizations - Afternoon

  • Story telling with data, science and art behind data visualization
  • Layout and structure, choosing the right visuals
  • Custom Visuals

Key Takeaways for the Audience

  • Understand core data modelling concepts in Power BI
  • Understand DAX and contexts
  • Understand need for story telling with data
  • Gain familiarity with Power BI reports and layouts
  • Understand implications of choosing the right visuals
  • Gain familiarity with Custom Visuals and how to use them

Attendee Prerequisite

  • Good understanding of Power BI basics from data shaping, data modeling and data visualizations
  • Taken Power BI Dashboard in a Day or the course on Power BI


Datum: 04.07.2018Ort: Microsoft WallisellenZeit: 08.45-16.30 Uhr

Teilnahme: kostenlos, Platzzahl beschränkt


Wichtig: Bring your own device

Datum: 04.07.2018Ort: Microsoft WallisellenZeit: 08.45-16.30 Uhr

Teilnahme: kostenlos, Platzzahl beschränkt


Wichtig: Bring your own device

Siva Harinath

Principal Program Manager
