Practical use of AI today and it's challenges: A perspective from Microsoft

  • Place:  Au Premier, Zürich
  • Date: 16. January 2019 
  • Time: 6.15pm - 8.15pm
  • Language: English

• 18:15 Introduction & welcome, Dr. Sotiris Dimopoulos, IT Logix
• 18:30 Practical use of AI today and its challenges down the road, Marc Schöni, Microsoft
• 19:15 Discussion and apéro

Short Description of the Talk:
• What is AI today
• Practical use cases
• The Microsoft AI platform
• Challenges today & tomorrow

Short Bio of the Speaker:
Marc Schöni is a Technical Advisor for Advanced Analytics & Artificial Intelligence at Microsoft in Switzerland. Working with large and medium sized customers across the country, he helps translate business problems into data science projects. He is fascinated by the many possibilities Artificial Intelligence yields and how to best take advantage of them.

The event is free of charge and will be held in English.
If you cannot make it, please remember to cancel.

- IT-Logix, Trusted data advisor for a variety of medium and large companies in Switzerland. IT-Logix uses its knowledge network, agile methods and innovative technologies to help its clients to quickly implement high-quality analytics and data science solutions.

Thank you!

For more information click here<link _blank external-link-new-window "Opens internal link in current window"> >Data Science Business Meetup</link>

Datum: 16.01.2019Ort:Au Premier, ZürichZeit: 18:15 - 20:15
Datum: 16.01.2019Ort:Au Premier, ZürichZeit: 18:15 - 20:15

Impressionen 2018

Marc Schöni

Technical Solution Professional, Microsoft Schweiz


Sotiris Dimopolous

Senior Consultant Data Science
