WhereScape RED Basics Training (Hands-On)

Demanding business users formulate new or frequently changing requirements for an existing or emerging datawarehouse (DWH). In both cases, DWH automation offers significant advantages compared to manual DWH buildup, maintenance and enhancements.

Do you find time to tame the ever growing datapools of your company, whilst still struggling to fulfill yesterday’s tasks? With WhereScape Data Warehouse Automation, you will tackle the challenges of your company's thirst for accurate information. Experience yourself hands-on, how you will save time, cost and reduce risk on your way from data to well-informed decision.

During this WhereScape RED basics training with hands-on lab, you will build up yourself a fully functional, analytical data mart from scratch - in very little time. Experience the development speed of a generator that creates your target architecture based on metadata and model templates that reduces implementation errors using predefined structures and patterns.

Hands-On: You will actually build a Datawarehouse in a few hours yourself - guided and assisted by experienced
professionals. Then judge yourself.

This WhereScape RED basics hands-on lab / training is structured as follows

  • WhereScape RED and 3D explained
  • Introduction to the RED GUI
  • Defining connections
  • Create load tables and extract and load data
  • Data type mappings
  • Transform data using views and stage tables
  • Build dimensions (Type 1 and Type 2)
  • Build a fact table
  • Document the data mart
  • Deploy the data mart
  • Tips and tricks
  • Q&A

Important logistics information:

Please make sure you have your own Laptop with you, this is a BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE type of training.

Rough timetable:

  •  08.30 Welcome Coffee & Croissants
  •  09.00 Start of Training
  •  12.00 Lunch-Break
  •  13.15 Back to class
  •  16.45 End of Training
Datum: 23.03.2020Ort:IT-Logix AG, Schwarzenburgstrasse 11, 3007 Bern

free training (brought to you by IT-Logix AG), limited number of seats available

Datum: 23.03.2020Ort:IT-Logix AG, Schwarzenburgstrasse 11, 3007 Bern

free training (brought to you by IT-Logix AG), limited number of seats available

Johan Vrolix

Solutions Architect, WhereScape


Alexandru Nicolae

Solutions Architect, WhereScape
